
Tag Archive: naturegram

  1. As well as all the amazing bird and marine life, Ramsey has a number of interesting and rare species of plants growing on it. One of these is the sub species of prostrate juniper which grows on a number of sites on the island. It is so rare that there are only 7 of this sub species left in the world and 4 of them grow on Ramsey. It may not look very exciting but this little bush could be an incredible 1000 years old. The Pembrokeshire junipers are though to be an relict of the last Ice Age. Although there are both male and female junipers on Ramsey there is no evidence to suggest they are still fruiting. #juniper

    Comments Off on As well as all the amazing bird and marine life, Ramsey has a number of interesting and rare species of plants growing on it. One of these is the sub species of prostrate juniper which grows on a number of sites on the island. It is so rare that there are only 7 of this sub species left in the world and 4 of them grow on Ramsey. It may not look very exciting but this little bush could be an incredible 1000 years old. The Pembrokeshire junipers are though to be an relict of the last Ice Age. Although there are both male and female junipers on Ramsey there is no evidence to suggest they are still fruiting. #juniper

    As well as all the amazing bird and marine life, Ramsey has a number of interesting and rare species of plants growing on it.  One of these is the sub species of prostrate juniper which grows on a number of sites on the island.  It is so rare that there are only 7 of this sub species left in the world and 4 of them grow on Ramsey.  It may not look very exciting but this little bush could be an incredible 1000 years old.  The Pembrokeshire junipers are though to be an relict of the last Ice Age.  Although there are both male and female junipers on Ramsey there is no evidence to suggest they are still fruiting. #juniper

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  2. It’s that time of year again, seal pups are appearing on Ramsey’s beaches and growing fast. To give you an idea of how fast they grow, they are born at 90-105cm in length and weigh 10-18kg. The female will then feed her pup for a sum total of three weeks and in this short amount of time the pup will triple its birth weight, gaining an average of 2kg per day, fed on one of the richest mammal milks known to man, at about 60% fat. At 3 weeks old however, childhood is over and they are weaned and abandoned. Yesterday we saw a pup having its first swimming lesson which is always entertaining as they are not very adept swimmers initially. #sealpup

    Comments Off on It’s that time of year again, seal pups are appearing on Ramsey’s beaches and growing fast. To give you an idea of how fast they grow, they are born at 90-105cm in length and weigh 10-18kg. The female will then feed her pup for a sum total of three weeks and in this short amount of time the pup will triple its birth weight, gaining an average of 2kg per day, fed on one of the richest mammal milks known to man, at about 60% fat. At 3 weeks old however, childhood is over and they are weaned and abandoned. Yesterday we saw a pup having its first swimming lesson which is always entertaining as they are not very adept swimmers initially. #sealpup

    It’s that time of year again, seal pups are appearing on Ramsey’s beaches and growing fast.  To give you an idea of how fast they grow, they are born at 90-105cm in length and weigh 10-18kg. The female will then feed her pup for a sum total of three weeks and in this short amount of time the pup will triple its birth weight, gaining an average of 2kg per day, fed on one of the richest mammal milks known to man, at about 60% fat.  At 3 weeks old however, childhood is over and they are weaned and abandoned. 
Yesterday we saw a pup having its first swimming lesson which is always entertaining as they are not very adept swimmers initially. #sealpup

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  3. Perfect weather for a Grassholm trip and we still have a few spaces on our 9.00 tomorrow morning. We have been having amazing dolphin sightings out there the last couple of weeks and on our last trip we saw common and Rissos dolphin. Get in touch if you fancy joining us. #commondolphin #rissos #findyourepic

    Comments Off on Perfect weather for a Grassholm trip and we still have a few spaces on our 9.00 tomorrow morning. We have been having amazing dolphin sightings out there the last couple of weeks and on our last trip we saw common and Rissos dolphin. Get in touch if you fancy joining us. #commondolphin #rissos #findyourepic

    Perfect weather for a Grassholm trip and we still have a few spaces on our 9.00 tomorrow morning.  We have been having amazing dolphin sightings out there the last couple of weeks and on our last trip we saw common and Rissos dolphin.  Get in touch if you fancy joining us. #commondolphin #rissos #findyourepic

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  4. As ravens have featured in one of our most recent storytelling trips they are next on the list for collective nouns. An unkindness or a conspiracy of Ravens. They have a very acrobatic flight and we often see them inverting to fly upside down, beautiful to watch. They are a serious predator for our visiting sea birds such as the auks and like all the corvid family ravens are intelligent. An interesting fact about ravens, they will take more eggs than they can eat in the breeding season and hide them for leaner times like squirrels. Also legends suggest that the original ravens in the Tower of London came Ramsey. Thanks to Rob Davies for the pictures.

    Comments Off on As ravens have featured in one of our most recent storytelling trips they are next on the list for collective nouns. An unkindness or a conspiracy of Ravens. They have a very acrobatic flight and we often see them inverting to fly upside down, beautiful to watch. They are a serious predator for our visiting sea birds such as the auks and like all the corvid family ravens are intelligent. An interesting fact about ravens, they will take more eggs than they can eat in the breeding season and hide them for leaner times like squirrels. Also legends suggest that the original ravens in the Tower of London came Ramsey. Thanks to Rob Davies for the pictures.

    As ravens have featured in one of our most recent storytelling trips they are next on the list for collective nouns.  An unkindness or a conspiracy of Ravens. They have a very acrobatic flight and we often see them inverting to fly upside down, beautiful to watch.  They are a serious predator for our visiting sea birds such as the auks and like all the corvid family ravens are intelligent. An interesting fact about ravens, they will take more eggs than they can eat in the breeding season and hide them for leaner times like squirrels. Also legends suggest that the original ravens in the Tower of London came Ramsey.

Thanks to Rob Davies for the pictures.

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  5. We are just starting to see the first of the seal pups being born on Ramsey though it is still quite early for pups. The bachelor pad is also pretty busy now. This is where all the non breeders get to hang out. Here are a couple of youngsters checking out our passengers.

    Comments Off on We are just starting to see the first of the seal pups being born on Ramsey though it is still quite early for pups. The bachelor pad is also pretty busy now. This is where all the non breeders get to hang out. Here are a couple of youngsters checking out our passengers.

    We are just starting to see the first of the seal pups being born on Ramsey though it is still quite early for pups. The bachelor pad is also pretty busy now. This is where all the non breeders get to hang out. Here are a couple of youngsters checking out our passengers.

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  6. Sorry for the current obsession with collective nouns for our wildlife but it is keeping Ffion entertained! This is definitely a good one, an improbability of shearwaters, Pembrokeshire is home to over half the world’s populations of Manx shearwaters and our best shearwater fact is: The oldest recorded manx shearwater was ringed in 1957, still alive and 51 years old in 2008 and ornithologist Chris Mead calculated it had covered 5 million miles in its lifetime. We are still running our evening shearwater trips if you would like to see one of Pembrokeshire’s most amazing wildlife spectacle and learn more about these amazing birds. #amazingwildlifefacts

    Comments Off on Sorry for the current obsession with collective nouns for our wildlife but it is keeping Ffion entertained! This is definitely a good one, an improbability of shearwaters, Pembrokeshire is home to over half the world’s populations of Manx shearwaters and our best shearwater fact is: The oldest recorded manx shearwater was ringed in 1957, still alive and 51 years old in 2008 and ornithologist Chris Mead calculated it had covered 5 million miles in its lifetime. We are still running our evening shearwater trips if you would like to see one of Pembrokeshire’s most amazing wildlife spectacle and learn more about these amazing birds. #amazingwildlifefacts

    Sorry for the current obsession with collective nouns for our wildlife but it is keeping Ffion entertained!  This is definitely a good one, an improbability of shearwaters, Pembrokeshire is home to over half the world’s populations of Manx shearwaters and our best shearwater fact is:
The oldest recorded manx shearwater was ringed in 1957, still alive and 51 years old in 2008 and ornithologist Chris Mead calculated it had covered 5 million miles in its lifetime.  We are still running our evening shearwater trips if you would like to see one of Pembrokeshire’s most amazing wildlife spectacle and learn more about these  amazing birds.

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